2 units empire artillery, for now, the empire army is ready, oh no, wait, got to order another steamtank, and perhaps some more pikemen, and another griphonrider...and...
NO, first concentrate on the orcs and goblins now!!!
what will be my next fantasy army ? Undead or....dwarfs!! ordered these dwarfs from Magister Militum - Blood dawn range. although listed as 15mm, they are very large 15mm, perfect for 20mm...take a look for yourself. I love the bear-and ram-riders. WM doesn't have rules for dwarven cavalry, but these models are soooo cool, I have to include them and just make my own rules for them.
waiting for the empire cannons and more orcs to arrive, it is the perfect opportunity to finaly finnish my Cathaginian army. first I finnished 2 new infantry units, one unit veterans and 2 units cavalry, the last I show here.